P.O. Box 37
23080 Maddox Road
Bushwood, MD 20618
(301) 769-3100
We are in need and welcome new choir members. No need to call ahead, just come on by at 8:00 AM Mass on Sundays.
Our choir is a dedicated group of volunteers who love to sing in praise to the Lord. There are no auditions, no long term commitments, no musical training needed; just a desire to please the Lord in song. Come when you can. We generally sing the more traditional hymns but try to learn a few new ones that fit in with our skill set. If you would like more information, please contact Tammy Pilkerton at (301) 904-4020 or Tambreypilk@gmail.com. Thank you.
Tammy Pilkerton, Music Director
Sarah Pingleton, Choir Director
William Gilligan, Organist