P.O. Box 37
23080 Maddox Road
Bushwood, MD 20618
(301) 769-3100
When inclement weather is expected (i.e. snowfall, tropical storm), regularly scheduled Masses and confessions will always take place. Be advised that the campus may not be suitable for parking and walking. If an emergency change in the Mass or Confession location is warranted, the priest will communicate the change via Flocknote and the parish website.
For other parish activities, Sacred Heart Parish follows St. Mary's County Public Schools and the Archdiocese of Washington for cancellations.
In the event of a weather emergency, Church law excuses Catholics from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass due to a grave cause; such as unsafe travel due to severe weather conditions. Please use common sense in inclement weather and in conditions not ideal for driving. This may include making the prudent judgment to stay safe at home.
Those who cannot safely attend Mass for any grave reason are encouraged to attentively pray with the Sunday readings and a pre-recorded Mass.